Amongst Men...
A Bridge-House leads from the edges of modern culture over to next culture - Archiarchy - the culture that is naturally emerging now that matriarchy and patriarchy have run their course.
The Men's Heart Bridge-House is a Radically Responsible Gaian Gameworld. The Men's Heart Bridge-House is an Archiarchy Invention Center. Men start somewhere different when it comes to creating Archiarchy. While Women carry the Seed of Archiarchy, walking the path of evolving consciously sourcing from the nothingness is today's challenge for men. On the surface Men benefit from patriarchy by dedicating themselves to mediocrity, by just doing what is asked for or needed. They just get by with it. Keeping their feelings and emotions at bay is a basic necessity to be able to do so. In this numb state the game of competing around resources finds a fruitful soil to sprout. This patriarchal pattern has a high price, not only for Gaia. Men die in average in the majority of the world’s countries three to ten years earlier than Women, mostly leaving a trail of destruction in the emotional, energetic, physical and mental realms of their surroundings and mostly in the people that love them.
The Men's Heart Bridge-House is dedicated to researching, developing and embodying life-skills for Men with the purpose of training each Man to grow up authentically into a humble and present Spaceholder for Earth and the world, in which the possibility of Archiarchy is rooted. Identifying and healing hierarchical and self destructive patterns based on S.H.I.T. (Standard Human Issues Thoughtware) and exploring the adventure of what else is possible on the other side of the fence, with and when in a team of men that co-create together is a privilege. Being deeply committed to other men's commitment is a non-negotiable agreement at the Men's Heart Bridge-House.
The possibility of living together with other men, deeply connecting with them and with the global Village in the field of radical responsibility to open doorways for the unknown qualities of being a man is one of the purposes of this experiMENt.
This Matrix building environment offers men multiple ways of expanding their capacity to be present and awake, to go through personal healing coming up in the moment and to be an active part of the next Men’s culture, which is bringing the Archetypal Lineage in service for Gaia. Experimenting with what comes up and sourcing out of the domain of „not knowing how“ is a daily invitation to the courageous beings who will be part of this Men’s Heart Bridge House.
The Bright Principles of the Men's Heart Bridge-House
When, Where, How Much...?
The Men's Heart Bridge-House started on June 10th and goes on to 21st of July 2024. Minimum time ot participation is one week.
The Men's Heart Bridge-House is physically located in Germany at Möglichkeitenraum, Petersberg 3, D-33803 Steinhagen.
How much?
Accomodation and use of all the facilities within a Sliding scale of 18 - 30 Euros per day, per man.
The cost of the food is that of local market food. We share food costs equally. We eat organic food.
Incidental living costs would need to be considered: buying seeds for the garden, hardware tools for fixing the place, buying glue, light bulbs, etc...
There are no fees towards the Spaceholders/Guardians.
If the lack of money is the reason why you are hesitating to join the Men's Heart Bridge-House (or any Bridge-House), it is ridiculous. Because there is enough money in the world for you to join the Bridge-House. The conversation is not then about money, but: how are you blocking the resources to support your Evolutionary Path to flow through you?
This question is the gateway to multiple Emotional Healing Processes and thoughtware upgrade.
To prepare yourself, please read and do the experiments at:
There are external events happening in the Possibility Space (physically separated from the Men's Space) which are separate from the Bridge-House daily participation and those are not included in the Bridge-house costs (Firewalk Initiation, Boogie Busting Training and other offers from each of the Men that are living in the Bridge-House).
Context & Traditions of the Men's Heart Bridge-House
The context of the Men's Heart Bridge-House is Radical Responsibility.
If we were perfectly clear about what Radical Responsibility is, there would no need to say more about the subject. It is, of course, not the case.
Radical Responsibility means:
- What is, is, as it is, here and now in the moment, with no story attached. (Arnaud Desjardins)
- Just this. (Lee Lozowick)
- There is no such thing as a problem. It is impossible to be a victim. Irresponsibility is an illusion. You have a Box. You are not your Box. Low drama is Gremlin food. Responsibility is applied consciousness. If you see a job it is your job to do. The universe is built out of archetypal love. (Clinton Callahan)
A Radically Responsible context invokes in each person the Free and Natural Decontaminated Adult Egostate, Archetypally Initiated Woman or Man, and the Creative Collaboration between them.
The unquenchable clarity and unreasonable possibilities that emerge from such a clear context can make your Gremlin go into an immediate freak-out self-abuse feeding-frenzy accompagnied Voices, Self-Cannibalism behaviours, Gremlin Violence, Shame, Doubt, Depression and other mixed emotions, Conclusions, Projections, Expectations and Resentments. This is why we have a list of requirements to apply to the MH Bridge-House.
In the MH Bridge-House, we apply Torus Technology for our meeting and decision-taking. For more information about Torus Technology, go here: https://torustechnology.mystrikingly.com/.
The MH Bridge-House makes use of the distinctions, processes, skills and technology of Possibility Management (http://possibilitymanagement.org). Technology, tools and processes from other contexts are used to further the purpose of the MH Bridge-House, such as Permaculture, Natural Farming, Reforestation, Family Constellation, etc...
Read the Codex for the Men's Heart Bridge House here.
What Will You Contribute and get from the Bridge-House
Each man will bring its own research. What is burning for that man in that moment is what the field might be in the urge for. Being part of the Bridge-House will bring up individual and collective topics. Revealing what is going on then and putting it on the table is another way of contributing to the Bridge-House. Identifying necessities and providing support for possible next steps is key to avoid pursuing the old patriarchal pattern of being mediocre and let the fellow man get away with his inauthenticity.
The Men's Heart Bridge-House is not a place to
- consume, especially the offers of the other participants of the Bridge-House
- have the expectation to get your problems solved
- just hang out with other men
- fulfill childhood neediness by projecting daddy onto other men
- sulk in the victimhood of being born and raised in patriarchy
This is a space to commit to other men being's commitments by being present and aware, so that the results of the research can be documented and shared. Men on the path of evolution gather to create a humble, awake and dedicated circle, so that each man's individual talents and qualities can thrive in order to ignite inspiration for a new Archan Men's Culture.
What you will get from the Men's Heart Bridge-House relates directly to your contribution.
- Create a way of relating with and relying on men outside of competition and hierarchy
- Develop Inner Structure
- Clearly experience your own Being and its natural radiance
- Empower each other’s unique Genius research
- Invoke and develop skills in each other's Non-Material Value
- New skills in the domain of your physical body
- Move in life from within
and much more...
Requirements to Apply to the Men's Heart Bridge-House
- You have completely and irrevocably left your parents’ house for more than 6 months at the start of your stay (this means that you have no clothes, photos, diplomas or anything else in storage in your parent’s house and that you don’t live with your parents and you don’t live of their money or contributions)
- You have sucessfully participated or you have already applied to the Gremlin Transformation Core Chapter - Chapter 0.
- You have participated in at least one Expand The Box Training,
- You have participated in at least one Possibility Lab,
The participation in the Men's Heart BH is of 1 week minimum, there is no maximum length of participation.
To apply, please contact:
- Luís Trindade - welcome@luis-trindade.com or on Telegram https://t.me/LuisMTrindade ,
- Michael Pörtner - welcome@michaelpoertner.com or on Telegram https://t.me/Michael_Poertner.
We will then set up a conversaview with two of the Men of the Bridge-House. A conversaview is a space where both you and the spaceholder discover what is the next step for your participation in the Bridge-House. It can be anything. No two people would have the same steps.
When it is evident that you have entered the Men's Heart Bridge-House and that your next step is to join, you will be officially welcomed to join the MHBH.
The Emergence of
StartOver.xyz Note
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play, massively-multiplayer, online-and-offline, thoughtware-upgrade, matrix-building, personal-transformation, adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. No one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code MHBHxx.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!